Interlude: Three new lines from Simone.

10 Sep


Simone (chasing a seagull with a feather she found): Mr. Seagull? Do you want this feather?



(At a Rash Hashanah party last week, in front of a number of Beth’s family members)

Beth: Where does daddy go during the day?

Simone: To work.

Beth: Where does daddy work?

Simone: He goes to the gym to work out.

Beth: But where does he go during the day?

Simone: To work.

Beth: And where does he work?

Simone (pauses, then smiles): The circus!



Simone (at 7 in the morning, as I’m about to leave for work, with an enormous, cheshire grin on her face): Daddy . . . do you have Halloween treats and candies in your lunch bag?

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